Friday, April 6, 2012

Spotted Turtles Behaviour And Lifestyle That You Must Know

Many people have seen pictures of Spotted Turtles, but may not know anything about them. They are currently at the risk of extinction in various parts of Canada and the United States, but can still be found occasionally at pet stores, and by private breeders. Their beauty and small size make them ideal as pets, but you should be prepared before bringing one into your home.

The Spotted Turtle is known for their spotted shell. They have black shells that have small yellow spots on them. They typically live in colder regions, and their black shells allow them to soak up more heat from the sun. They are a small type of turtle, ranging from 3 to 5 inches (8 to 12 cm). Males and females are very easy to tell apart, even as hatchlings. Females have a yellow chin, and males have a tan chin. As they get older, the male also has a longer and thicker tale, and females will have more spots.

If you are considering getting a Spotted Turtle as a pet, there are a few things that you must know. As with all turtles, it is important to mimic the turtle's natural habitat as closely as you can. In the wild, the Spotted Turtle lives in freshwater swamps and ponds. This means giving them a habitat that is about half water and half land. This may seem strange for an aquatic turtle, but because they are not great swimmers, they do not need a lot of water. Hatchlings will need about an inch (2.5 cm) of water, and adults will need about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) of water.

Although spotted turtles will eat non-aquatic worms such as red wrigglers and night crawlers, they do need to drag them to the water. Adult turtles only feed in the water. Despite this, they are not particularly strong swimmers and usually stay in relatively shallow water. Owners of pet spotteds should bear in mind that their water area need not be too deep. One inch (2.5cm) to one and a half inches (3.8cm) is often deep enough for a hatchling. Do remember to change the water regularly. As they grow, add more water and continue to monitor its chemical balance. A complete change of water should be a weekly routine, with frequent partial changes in between. A depth of 6 to 8 inches (15.2 to 20.3 cm) should be quite sufficient for mature spotted turtles.

The ideal habitat for a pet spotted turtle is split comprising half land, half water. This type of turtle is used to water that is quite frigid. They are most active in the spring and fall months, often going dormant during the height of summer and in winter. Their natural enemies are raccoons and muskrats. If your pet spotted turtle lives indoors, set up a basking area incorporation heat and UVB lamps.

Unlike certain other species, males and females are relatively easy to tell apart. Besides the tail, which is much thicker and longer in the male, there are other distinctions. From the moment they hatch, their chins have different colors, tan for the male and yellow for the female. Females often develop more spots than the males, and in general, both genders get more spots as they age. The plastron of the male is noticeably concave, while the female's is either convex or without curve. The carapace, which is mostly black, aids their basking.

They are quite intelligent, as lab tests in mazes have proven and they have a life expectancy of up to sixty-five years. They will snack on duckweed, but their main food preferences are carnivorous and include worms, snails, minnows, carrion and crayfish. They can also be fed commercial aquatic turtle food. While hatchlings need to feed daily, an adult can be fed every second or third day. Do not provide too much food, as it might rot in the water.

All turtles are cold-blooded which means they cannot regulate their own body temperature. So, to stay at a normal temperature, turtles will go into the water to cool down, and sit in the sun to warm up. A UVB light must be provided for that warmth.

Spotted Turtles are mainly carnivorous, meaning they eat mainly meat. They will occasionally eat leafy vegetables, so you should offer duck week or other greens sometimes, but they need a lot of protein in their diet. You can feed them a commercial pellet food that is designed especially for carnivorous aquatic turtles, but you should also provide fresh foods for them. Spotted Turtles will eat anything from small fish and snails, and various land-dwelling worms, so long as you drop them in the water for them.

Alan is a lover of animals and nature, especially turtles. One of the misleading turtle facts that Alan relates is that there are many turtle species, but there are no such things as mini turtles. It's a myth. The term baby turtles is simply a young turtle.

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