Monday, April 16, 2012

Horsefield Tortoise Is Easily Managed And Easy To Look After

If you choose a tortoise of any species to keep and care for, be prepared to care for it for many year's to come. Although many of the smaller types have not had their life expectancy studied specifically, it is know that many species will live for up to 75-100 years. If you choose one for a pet you must think of who and how it will be cared for when you are no longer here.

The Horsfield or Russian tortoise is one of the smaller varieties you could care for. It is friendly and outgoing and will often recognise its owner coming to greet them especially if it is time to eat! This particular species does thrive in an outside enclosure but beware, they do like to dig and can if left unattended dig under and out of their enclosure to the world beyond! These Geochelone Horsfieldi (Latin name) can be difficult to keep if you do not live in the correct type of environment. Their natural environment is arid to semi-arid grasslands through to rocky deserts and hillsides. They make excellent pets if their needs are provided for and will live for decades.

The Horsefield Tortoise is a little well-liked species of the reptile family named after biologist Thomas Horsefield. They are naturally found in South Eastern Russia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is generally known as the Russian tortoise.
You can look forward to many years together if you make sure you provide the best and most appropriate environment for your specific species. Unfortunately many captive bred chelonians die early as their owners are unaware of the needs of their pets. Education is fundamental to rearing and caring for your tortoise correctly. There are many authoritative sites to refer to if you are at all worried about your pet. Always, seek advice from your vet if you are concerned for its welfare.


Dry lands, grassy and semi grassy fields are the natural habitat of the tortoises. This little species of tortoise is spread over a large area of land. Commonly this tortoise is termed as the tortoise of the central Asian state. Another relationship of this tortoise is linked in Afghanistan. In some places it is also called the Steppe Tortoise.

Life Span

• Their life span is estimated to be around, or above in some cases, 50 years, which is slightly less than other tortoise species.


• The Horsefield tortoises are said to be herbivore

• They do not like to move around for the purpose of food

• The food they like the most is fresh green vegetables and fruits, and they like to eat flowers as well

Natural plants, weeds and green leaves are loved by them. They require foods rich in calcium so that their shell becomes hard.


• They can breed at any time of the year

• They choose mild conditions where they can easily manage their young babies

• The female tortoise can lay 3-5 eggs at a time

• The female tortoise can lay eggs in a burst of 3 seasons

• The eggs require high temperatures for hatching

• The hatching takes place after 3 months of laying eggs


• The Horsefield tortoise can be in the range of size from 4-8 inches (10 to 20 cm) normally

• They are generally short as compared to other species


• Horsefield tortoises hibernate during winter to avoid the severe cold

• They can hibernate up to three months as adults

• In summer, when the temperature raises an extent, they are mostly found in shady moist places.

Keeping as Pet

• Horsefield tortoises are well-liked pets

• The reason being their small size

• Many of the pet suppliers can supply you with a horsefield tortoise on demand

• They require some care as pet

• Generally, due to their native climate, they are thought to be physically strong as compared to other species

• They need regular exposure to sunlight

• These tortoises do not take pleasure in high humidity and like to dig and burrow

• The ground should be appropriate to provide accommodation to their habits

Amazing Fact

• The Horsefield Tortoise was the first one of its kind to go into space, sent by the Russian space program

A Horsefield tortoise is convenient to house. We have to care for any animal, especially the tortoise, while keeping them in captivity. It is our responsibility to provide them the basic necessities and an environment that is close to their natural habitat so that they do not feel awkward and live freely and happily. Indeed, to keep a tortoise pet there is no better option than the Horsefield tortoise.

1 comment:

  1. good accurate information, I always recommend a buyer look far into the future and have a plan in place to give to a friend, give to a adoption place, plan to find a new buyer etc before they buy a Horsefield because they live so long! Thanks for sharing the great post. I have a lot of info on them here if it helps
