Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The turtle breeding methods

1 feeding

Pond turtles are in captivity, tank support, tubs raising ponds and reservoirs to support a variety of ways, each with advantages and disadvantages, you can choose according to local conditions. Specialized households in general and small-scale farms, to build ponds better, because this way, easy management, cost-effective as well.
Pond construction: pond turtles and turtle breeding pond can refer to the young turtle breeding pond and pool construction specifications and methods. Built into the turtle pool and also into a turtle pond turtle's almost, but the area can be larger, so that a greater number of turtle farming. If the turtle into a large pool, you can also fish, turtles polyculture, in the pool to support a number of herbivorous and filter-feeding fish, in order to improve overall economic efficiency of farming. Turtle will have to pay attention to holes, the features easy to escape, so the walls of the base of a wall to about 50 cm deep underground.
2 turtles feed and feeding
Turtle feeding wider, rice, wheat, peas, fish, shrimp, insects, snails, etc fine to eat pork, which is a favorite food to eat fish, fine pork, corn. Captivity, the turtles grow to meet the nutritional needs of a variety, to avoid feed a single, stunted growth and produce anorexia should be used in a variety of feed, animal feed such as fish, snails, mussels and plants, etc. feed in rice, wheat, corn and so on. To get the turtle to fully digest the feed, the feed before feeding should be subject to the corn, peas and other crushed, soaked 2 hours, and other large pieces of food also must first chopped before feeding. Should also be noted that the growth in different periods of the turtle should vote according to their growth characteristics of feed containing different nutrients.
Turtle's life and weather closely, feeding the beginning of April each year; 6 a feeding activity reached a peak in August, the fastest weight gain; to October the temperature gradually decreased to eat after the start of its decline, when the temperature dropped below 10 degrees Celsius , stop feeding into hibernation. Therefore, feeding should be based on growth characteristics of the turtle to carry out the general requirements to do the following:

1) time. Low temperatures in spring and fall, sooner or later, the turtle is not active, only in the noon feeding, it should be 8 to 9 am in the morning of feed fed. To the autumnal equinox is a turtle from the Guyu feeding season, a time filled summer, turtles generally inactive at noon, and 17 more in the afternoon feeding a 19-time activities, it is feeding a 17 to 16 in the afternoon, when appropriate. Timing can make turtle feeding time, get more nutrition, and also to ensure that feed fresh.
(2) position. Positioned along the pond shore sub-set a fixed feed point, feeding point of potable water station to close, easy to swallow water turtle bite. Positioning of feed fed to enable the turtle habit, easy to find their food, while allowing observation of turtles feeding activities and check the situation.
(3) qualitative. Feeding the feed should be kept fresh, after feeding, to promptly remove leftover residue of food, feed, to prevent rotting smelly, affect the turtle's appetite and water pollution.
(4) quantitatively. Feed ration as temperature, water quality, the turtle's appetite and activity may be in order when the appetite and activity may be, to a little rest when the meal is appropriate. Generally every 1 - 2 days feeding 1.
3. Hatchlings feeding
Newly hatched hatchling body is weak, stomach function and digestion is also weak, it should not be stocked in the breeding pool immediately, but should be well-fed and care for some alone time, to improve the survival rate of hatchlings.
Hatchlings feeding and care principles are: 1. To improve sanitation, prevent turtles sick. (2) degree of control appropriate temperature and astringent, to facilitate its normal growth. 3. Hatchlings develop gradually adapt to the environment, self-feeding. Specifically: the newly hatched hatchling first on a small glass box, let it crawl three to five hours until the hatchlings after convergence of the umbilical cord dry off, with 0.6% saline immersion moment for disinfection, then placed in glass boxes or tubs in the indoor feeding. Avoid artificial strong pull off the umbilical cord hatchling, juvenile turtles that would cause casualties. Hatchling rearing tank 1 a day changing the water 2 times, strict control of water temperature at 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, hot weather to keep the box needs to spray several times to adjust the temperature and increase oxygen in the water, the hatchlings to the normal growth under appropriate conditions. 1 one of the newly hatched juvenile turtles 2 days without feeding, 2 days after starting to feed a small amount of grain feed, after feeding a small amount of boiled eggs and comminuted fish, frog meat, sweet potato, pumpkin and other mixed feed. After 7 days of feeding, the hatchlings have relatively strong physique can be transferred to outdoor rearing pond keeping.
4 turtle feeding precautions
(1) shall turtles, turtle into the turtle and the pro-feeding sub-pool, to avoid large turtle swallowed a small turtle phenomenon, but also facilitate the identification of feed ration and feeding management, easy to observe and control the growth of the turtle.
(2) due to the mild and timid turtle, four weeks should be kept quiet and kept the pool, so as not to affect the turtle feeding, sunning, mating, spawning and other normal activities.
(3) regular replacement of keeping the pool water, keeping water clean, do a good job keeping the pool of health, to prevent the turtles to disease.
(4) pond four weeks and the sand on the open space between the walls to maintain a certain degree of humidity in the summer season, should take some cooling measures, such as watering, planting small shrubs.
(5) hibernation, check the growth of the turtle, the infirm feed Cadogan, fed turtles eating more feed, so that a large number of turtle product storage of nutrients, long strong body through the winter.
(6), when some young turtles do not know how to eat, this time, you can grab it Zuo Zhao, pull it out, then seize it Youzhao, two with mild to pull, it will be stuck head, and then clip it to light about the direction of the head, mouth, etc. It is when the shrimp (food) to go into it know what to eat, as you put the bite on two of the food will.
5. Hibernating Management
Turtles are cold-blooded animal, life influenced by environmental temperature. November to next March, when the temperature is below 10 ℃, the turtle lying in the bottom of mud or loose soil Woyu covered with straw, do not eat does not move, for hibernation, when its new array of metabolic very slow and weak. Until early April, when temperatures rose to above 15 ℃, the turtle began to resume activity and feeding so large in hibernation without feeding diets, and need not change the water, the main work of this period first heat, as in the pool four weeks and the space between the pool and the wall is covered with straw; second is to prevent the tortoise against predators.

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