Wednesday, November 29, 2017

His dog wakes him up in the middle of the night, when he understands why he is calling for help

A few days ago, Jacques Salaun - a baker in Roche-Maurice - was woken in the middle of the night by his dog Loustic, a German Shepherd usually very wise. It is then 2:30 in the morning. The dog jumps on his master's bed to wake him up. Immediately, Jacques Salaun understands that something is wrong because this behavior is not usual for his dog.

A rescue of accuracy
It is there that he notices smoke in his room and feels a slight burning smell . In fact, a fire had started in the bakery under the bedroom. It was therefore necessary not to lose a second. Jacques Salaun immediately contacts the firemen and catches a fire extinguisher in an attempt to extinguish the fire, in vain because it is already too important.

Once outside, the firefighters quickly took over the fire and got through it. Unfortunately, the trade was still well damaged and work will be needed. Jacques Salaun and his dog are totally unscathed , thanks to the quick intervention of Loustic without whom all this could have ended much worse.

And the firefighters confirm that if they had been warned 15 minutes later, everything would have burned. So we can say that Loustic is the hero of the day!